Events this week: March 30th - April 6th
Sunday, March 30th:
9:00 AM + 10:45 AM | Worship Service | Worship Center | NexGen | WMPR
9:00 AM | Ambassadors 20’s & 30’s Ministry | Classroom T203
9:00 AM | Fundamentals of the Faith | Classroom T205
10:45 AM | Equip & Empower: The Design for Discipleship | Classroom T205
10:45 AM | Spanish Ministry | Classroom T202
10:45 AM | Legacy Senior Ministry | Adult Classroom A
6:30 PM | Summit College Ministry | TMPR
Monday, March 31st:
6:45 PM | Spanish Ministry Women’s Bible Study | Adult Classroom A
7:00 PM | Men’s Spring Study | Worship Center
Tuesday, April 1st:
9:30 AM | Women’s Spring Study | Worship Center
7:00 PM | Women’s Spring Study | Worship Center
Wednesday, April 2nd:
6:00 AM | Men’s Spring Study | The Loft
9:00 AM | Momsense | Worship Center
9:30 AM | Hope Beyond Cancer | The Loft
6:00 PM | Never Alone Widows | Adult Classroom A
7:00 PM | Hope for Men’s Purity | The Connections Room
7:00 PM | High School Elevate | TMPR
7:00 PM | Junior High Elevate | WMPR
Thursday, April 3rd:
1:30 PM | Legacy Prayer Meeting | The Loft
6:00 PM | Axia Foster/Adoption Support | Adult Classroom A & B
6:30 PM | Worship Service | Worship Center
6:30 PM | UP! For Kids | WMPR
6:30 PM | Hope for the Addicted | Classroom T202 & T203
7:00 PM | Summit Men’s Bible Study | Classroom T205
Sunday, April 6th:
9:00 AM + 10:45 AM | Worship Service | Worship Center | NexGen | WMPR
9:00 AM | Ambassadors 20’s & 30’s Ministry | Classroom T203
9:00 AM | Fundamentals of the Faith | Classroom T205
10:45 AM | Baptism Class for Easter Service | Classroom T205
10:45 AM | Hope for the Newly Married | Classroom T203
10:45 AM | Legacy Senior Ministry | Adult Classroom A
10:45 AM | Spanish Ministry | Classroom T202
6:30 PM | Summit College Ministry | TMPR
Looking Ahead
All Church:
April 18 | Good Friday | 4 & 6PM
April 20 | Easter | 9AM
April 6 | Easter Baptism Class
May 18 | LAC Membership Series
April 7 | First Responders’ Wives Fellowship
April 27 | Parent Dedication Class
April 28 | Momsense PM for Working Moms
May 5 | Men’s Golf Tournament
June 23-27 | “Knights of Faith” Vacation Bible School
July 11-13 | NexGen Summer Camp
April 26 | ZOE Rescue Walk
Spiritual Growth
Book Recommendation: When The Darkness Will Not Lift by John Piper
Memory Verse:
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
Prayer Focus:
Father, Your glory is our highest concern and we want to honor You in every area of our lives. Forgive us for our failures and open our eyes to see how we can honor You with every breath.
Go Partner Highlight
Scarlet Hope
Scarlet Hope is making a powerful impact - local outreach teams have already prayed for over 40 women in the past month, offering hope and support right where they are. In just the last two months, Scarlet Hope has rescued two trafficked women, walking with them toward freedom and restoration. They are also expanding our church partnerships, recognizing that it takes a community to bring lasting change. The harvest is plentiful, and they are eager to grow their reach, trusting that with more hands and resources, even more lives will be transformed. Please join us in prayer as Scarlet Hope they seek to grow their impact. Pray that more people would feel called to this ministry, that conversations - both in the clubs and through text outreach - would be led by the Gospel, and that the women we serve would be protected and safe. We also ask for God's guidance in strengthening their connections to resources so they can better support the women pursuing their dreams beyond the industry.
The Building Update
Amount Pledged: $1.48M
Received from Pledge: $3.0M
Unpledged: $1.52M
Total: $6,000,000
Ways to Give:
Are you interested in partnering with Crossroads through giving? You can give by cash/ check during our services with a giving envelope or you can also give online. To give online, please visit our website here.
Submit a Prayer Request:
If you would like to submit a prayer request, you can add one here!
Visit LAC Resources:
This Resource Library from the ministry of Crossroads Community Church will be populated with content that will help you Think Biblically. In drinking deeply from this well of truth, our prayer is that your Biblical worldview will be developed and your joy in the Lord increase, so that you will Stay Faithful all your days! Visit our LAC Resource library by clicking the link here!