Crossroads Bible Institute


Crossroads Bible Institute (CBI) is a certificated program for growing believers to deepen their understanding of the Scriptures and theology. CBI is a ministry of Crossroads Community Church that aims to equip the believer with a solid foundation of Biblical knowledge which we call the “Core Four” track. The Core Four is designed for every believer.

The CBI’s Distinctive’s

  • Certificated Program with an entrance and exit exam

  • Core Four is a 2-year track

  • 8-week Semesters of 90 minute classes

  • Classes held in the Crossroads Training Center

  • Class size limited for greater interaction

  • CBI instructors hold a Masters in Theological Studies or higher

  • Attendance of 80% of all classes is required

  • Tuition cost is $50 per class (scholarships available)

  • Additional books may be recommended for purchase

  • CBI Certificate may provide University course credit

Crossroads Bible Institute | The Core Four

The Crossroads Bible Institute foundational track is the “Core Four.” Completion of the Core Four is required for the CBI Certificate. You can take these classes in any order. This track is also the pre-requisite for all future ministry tracks and elective classes.

CF 100 Systematic Theology

Course Objective: Gain a comprehensive understanding of theology proper, bibliology, anthropology, Christology, soteriology, and eschatology.

CF 200 OT/NT Survey

Course Objective: Gain an introduction to the 66 books of the Bible including theme, purpose, and careful overview of each of the books.

CF 300 How to Study the Bible

Course Objective: Gain the basic tools necessary to study the Bible based on the authorial intent and in light of the historical, grammatical, and the cultural context in which they were written.

CF 400 Apologetics

Course Objective: Gain the foundational theological and practical skills to engage with the questions, doubts, and skepticism of unbelievers and believers in the current culture.