Go Ministry

Part of being a disciple of Jesus includes service. We are to serve in the church and outside the church. At Crossroads, we will help you discover your area of passion to serve and, as a result, you will make an impact for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.


  • We are Ready

    We are, “His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Eph. 2:10)

    Discover resources to find that first step onto God’s path for advancing the Gospel in Santa Clarita.

    Who We Partner With:

    • Lifeline Global Ministries: Lifeline global ministries work to inspire and equip men, women, families, churches, and communities to develop godly fathers and mothers regardless of their circumstances. They work to teach and shepherd incarcerated women and men into becoming the godly parents they are meant to be - that they can be through the transforming power of the gospel. To learn more or get involved visit lifelineglobal.org

    • SCV Pregnancy Center: The SCV Pregnancy Center is a health care team dedicated to providing relevant medical services in a caring and professional atmosphere to those facing unplanned pregnancy and other health decisions. They are committed to service, education, and quality care, and also serving the needs of the community. For ways to volunteer, visit scvpc.org

    • Axia: Axia is a ministry led by Jefferson and Shannon Henson with the purpose of providing support and community to foster and adoptive families. They gather the first Thursday of the month at Crossroads for a meal, teaching, and time of fellowship.
      If you are interested in attending or would like to learn more about foster care and adoption or how you can support these families, please contact Jefferson at info@axiaministries.org.

    • Scarlet Hope: Scarlet Hope is a ministry that reaches women in the adult entertainment industry with the hope and love of Jesus. They go to women in the industry through various forms of outreach, ranging from text outreach to strip club outreach, where they bring home cooked meals and connect with the girls. Scarlet Hope then seeks to connect women to various resources and community as they walk alongside her. To learn more, visit scarlethope.org/losangeles

    Service/ Volunteer Opportunities Here In Santa Clarita:

    • Zoe: The mission of Zoe International is to end child trafficking through prevention, rescue, and restoration. They strive to reach every person, rescue every child, and end modern day slavery. For more ways to get involved, visit gozoe.org

    • SCV Pregnancy Center: The SCV Pregnancy Center is a health care team dedicated to providing relevant medical services in a caring and professional atmosphere to those facing unplanned pregnancy and other health decisions. They are committed to service, education, and quality care, and also serving the needs of the community. For ways to volunteer, visit scvpc.org

    • CarePortal: Care Portal works with caseworkers at government child welfare agencies or other child-serving organizations and makes churches aware of real time needs of children, giving them an opportunity to respond. To see how you can help, visit careportal.org

    • Bridge to Home: Bridge to Home provides help, hope, and change for our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness in SCV. Serving over 700 household in a year, Bridge to Home has many volunteer opportunities available at btohome.org Visit btohome.org to get involved.

    • Children’s Hunger Fund: Children’s Hunger Fund exists to deliver help and hope of the gospel to a suffering world. As many children around the world are hungry and living in poverty, CHF delivers Food Pak’s (a box of non-perishable food) to families facing food insecurity around the world. To volunteer or donate, visit childrenshungerfund.org

    • Santa Clarita Food Pantry: Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry works to alleviate hunger in the community by serving families and individuals who are living in uncertainty and seeking assistance. To learn more and get involved, visit scvfoodpantry.org

    • Hands of Hope: Hands Of Hope is an outreach to the dementia and Alzheimer community. At this time they are ministering at the Oakmont Senior Homes on Newhall Ranch Road with hopes to add locations as they grow. Hands of Hope meets at 10am every Tuesday for about an hour. Volunteers sing songs, pray, enjoy games together, but mainly the goal is to love on the residents and share the love of Jesus Christ with them. While also ministering to the care staff as they are drawn into our time together and hear the gospel. It’s a win-win!

      Volunteers are encouraged to participate in the way they are comfortable, reading short devotionals, dancing with the residents, singing (we have a small volunteer band), or just talking with them. The residents truly seem to enjoy our visits and we know that, even though this is a short time in their week, we are being a blessing to them. They are the forgotten people, but not forgotten by our Lord.
      For more information of how to get involved, please contact Linda Kolouch at kolouchs@yahoo.com

    • Helping Hands Ministry: Helping Hands is dedicated to God’s calling to serve others. They connect individuals with the cause God has placed on their heart and assist in making sure the support is set up in the most beneficial way for the cause and donor. They seek to find a Greater Way to Give so that others are able to do more for the kingdom. Visit hhmin.org for more information and to get involved.

    • Malachi Men: Malachi Dads is a ministry for the men of Pitchess Detention Center. Through this discipleship program, they are taught bible stories, shown what it means to be in a relationship with God, and how to be a godly parent. The hope and goal is to see families restored, first with God, and secondly with each other, so that the next generation will walk in obedience to the Lord. For more information, please contact John Reed at johnr@lifelineglobal.org  To learn more, visit malachiman.com

    • Union Rescue Mission: Seeking to combat homelessness, Union Rescue Mission is located in the heart of Skid Row as a refuge of help and hope. They embrace men, women, and children experiencing homelessness with the compassion of Jesus Chirst offering meals, shelter, training, spiritual encouragement and more as they help people find their way home. To learn how you can help, visit urm.org

    • Hope Gardens: Hope Gardens Family Center is a transitional housing campus that helps women and their children transition from homelessness to independence by offering long-term rehabilitation programs, services, and spiritual care. For more ways to become involved, please visit urm.org/services/hope-gardens

  • You are relevant

    You are powerful in prayer. “Continue steadfastly in prayer… pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ.” (Col. 4:2-3)

    Discover how you can be praying for ministries focused on evangelism and discipleship within the U.S.

    Who We Partner With:

    • Campus Crusade for Christ: John Book serves with Bridges International, a ministry of Cru, as one of our local Go partners, reaching the international students of UCLA, USC, and other campuses throughout Los Angeles. Their mission is to share Christ with international students at these schools, in order that they might come to Christ and return to their home countries as gospel influencers. Whether on campus or in the dorms, the Books are fulfilling the Great Commission by making disciples of students in the Los Angeles area.

    • Los Angeles Bible Training School: Los Angeles Bible Training School is non-profit and non-denominational institute that is dedicated to teaching Christian workers the Word of God.  They work to present each student with the opportunity to immediately utilize their training within their local churches and community or enroll in continuing education programs upon graduation.

  • We are Related

    We are in a “partnership in the gospel for the first day until now.” (Phil. 1:5) Discover how we can be active in global ministry through partnering with the missionaries sent out from Crossroads Community Church.

    Our There Partners:

    • ABWE

    • Connect 2 Ministries

    • Commission Every Nation

    • Pioneers

    • Japanese Evangelical Society

    • Sufficiency of Scripture

    • Radius International

    • Planted Ministry

    • 20schemes

    Connect2 Ministries: Connect2 Ministries was established to help local churches rediscover a passion for lost people and to support international churches and pastors through sound biblical foundation in ministry. Connect 2 Ministries works alongside churches, orphans, and the disabled population in Haiti. 

    Located in Onaville, Haiti, ministry is provided to the community through church meetings, the Medical Clinic, the Vocational Training Center. Connect 2 Ministries has built and supports two orphanages in Port- au- Prince and Cap-Haitien cities for children who have been abused, abandoned, or given away due to poverty.  To learn more about the work Connect 2 Ministries does for the Gospel of Christ, please visit connect2ministries.org

    Commission To Every Nation (CTEN): Commission To Every Nation is a servant organization which helps missionaries fulfill the unique vision God has for them. Currently, they serve 670 Missionaries in 69 nations. Crossroads currently supports a missionary family in India that is part of this organization. This missionary family's main ministry is their home orphanage they run to help underprivileged children in Central Asia. Their goal is not only to provide physical nourishment but spiritual nourishment as well. To learn more of the variety ways to get involved and read about the multitude of missionaries supported by this organization, visit cten.org

    Radius International: Radius International is a campus located in Tijuana, Mexico that is committed to assisting the evangelical church and missions community by providing pre-field missions training that will equip cross-cultural workers to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached language groups. To learn more about this missionary training school, visit radiusinternational.org

    Association of Baptist For World Evangelism (ABWE): ABWE is a global family of ministries that exists to fulfill the Great Commission by multiplying leaders, churches, and missions movements among every people.

    One of Crossroads’ supported missionaries serves alongside ABWE in India. They have several major ministries, including building relationships with the community through a music and language center they recently took ownership of. They also are involved in training church leaders, church planting, providing medical care to the underprivileged, and reaching out to university students through teaching English. In a culture dominated by Hinduism, this family is seeking to share the truth of Christ.

    20schemes: 20schemes is a church planting and revitalisation ministry based in Scotland. Their vision is to bring the light of the gospel to Scotland's schemes. "Schemes" are low-income, deprived housing estates that are homes to nearly 40% of the Scottish population. While there are social and economical needs, 20schemes believes the greatest need is spiritual. To learn more, visit 20schemes.com

  • As disciples of Christ we are called to be “fishers of men.” (Mtt. 4:19)

    Discover practical tools to help you more effectively cast the net of the Gospel within our diverse and growing community.

    Help for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with:

  • Global Outreach Teams

    Go Teams exist to serve our missionaries by bringing the Crossroads family to help accomplish various goals in their mission field. This includes outreach efforts, pastoral training, disaster relief, construction projects, VBS camps, sports camps, medical assistance and so much more.


    Team Leader: Josh Goertzen

    Dates: Week #1 : June 13-21, 2025; Week #2 : June 21-28, 2025

    Richmond, California - Elevate High School Ministry will be partnering with the One Seventeen Project to offer a Gospel centered summer camp for unchurched kids. This will be a great chance to serve this under-resourced community with the hope of the Gospel.


    Team Leader: TBD

    Dates: June 16 - 25, 2025

    Connect 2 Ministries has been serving local churches in Haiti since 2009. It was established to help local churches rediscover a passion for lost people, and to support international churches and pastors through a sound biblical foundation in ministry. Join us as we head to Onaville, Haiti, for a week of evangelism and service opportunities.


    Team Leader: Ken Kistler

    Dates: August 4 - 14, 2025

    Glasgow, Scotland - Crossroads is joining our Go Partner, 20schemes, in Scotland. We are visiting different schemes, meeting with the people in the communities, and seeing the work the Lord is doing through church planting. Join us for this vision trip to bring the light of the gospel to Scotland's schemes.

  • The TEN ministry has two key purposes:  

    First, to provide ten orphans from developing countries the opportunity to attend The Master’s University, with all the benefits of not only earning a university degree, but also of experiencing the campus community, being part of the Crossroads family, and being exposed to the world outside the student’s home country.

    Second, as we seek to have an impact for the kingdom in “… Jerusalem (locally) and in all  Judea and Samaria (regionally) and to the end of the earth (globally)”- Acts 1:8b, we hope and pray that by having a student learn and grow in following Christ through his or her experience at TMU and Crossroads, and then return home to live and work, that each student will be used by the Lord to further His work and kingdom there.

    If you want to learn more about educating or recommending an orphan, please take time to read the FAQ page.  You also may contact Kim Miles, Director of TEN, at kmiles@lifeatcrossroads.org if you have questions.


  • All teachers and administrators of both the public and private schools are invited to join us quarterly for a time of fellowship, prayer, and lunch.


  • This ministry cultivates a community of support, compassion, and resilience among those who serve as first responders. Grounded in our love for Jesus Christ, we aim to provide a sanctuary where individuals find strength, healing, and camaraderie to navigate the challenges inherent in the noble calling of first responders.

    Ways to Stay Involved Throughout the Year:

    - Debriefing Small Groups
    - First Responders Wives Fellowship