Grow Ministry

Once someone has come to Know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, we are committed to seeing them Grow to be like Jesus. We aim in everything to be all about seeing God build humble, Spirit-led disciples, who delight in Christ above all, and are investing in Kingdom fruitfulness. 

We believe that growing in love for God and people will be focused on being people who are: 

Loving Jesus

Walking Prayerfully

Thinking Biblically

Serving Others

Committed to seeing these developed in our Church Family, the Grow Ministry is designed around:

Grow Foundations

Grow Foundations is a place for establishing a solid foundation to grow in the Lord. It is a small group format study designed to answer key questions about following Jesus as a new believer, long-time church attender, or struggling believer in need of a firm footing to move forward. It is our commitment to helping everyone interested in spiritual growth to be set on a trajectory that launches them toward a lifetime of progressing maturity in Christ.

Grow Groups

A Grow Group is a community committed to growing in their love for God and people. These groups discuss Biblical truth and practice the ‘one-anothers’ of the New Testament together. There are various kinds of Grow Groups and we would love to help find just the right fit for you. We are convinced that everyone who calls Crossroads home ought to be in a Grow Group as the central place for ongoing discipleship. 

Grow Classes 

Our Grow Classes deal primarily with Biblical content being passed on from teacher to hearer. These classes are rich in theology and the practical wisdom necessary to grow as a thoughtful Christian living out their faith in the world. They are lecture-based teaching events committed to equipping God’s people in truth, so they form a robust Biblical framework to view all of life through.

Our Grow Ministries include:

  • What is Crossroads approach to men?

    Men's Ministry is designed to help our men understand and achieve biblical manhood. Our hope is that the men of our church will take hold of the high calling of leadership placed on their lives by Jesus Christ. We offer weekly discipleship small groups and large group Bible studies to grow together with other men in our church. We also have several retreats and events spread throughout the year for refocusing and building community with other men. If you have a desire to take your relationship with Christ to the next level, please consider being a part of the Men's Ministry at Crossroads.

    When does Men's ministry happen?

    Our Men's Ministry groups occur at a variety of times and locations throughout the week. We also have special men's events that take place periodically throughout the year. To find out what groups or events are available right now, visit our Event Signups listing by clicking here.

  • What is Crossroads approach to women?

    Women's Ministry understands the valuable role that women play in our church and our lives. Women's Ministry desires to help women of all ages and life stages grasp what Christ and His Word teach about biblical womanhood, and then show them how to live that out practically in all of life. Our groups meet in both small and large group formats which focus on growing knowledge and application of God's Word. These groups begin each fall and spring. We also have several fellowship events and retreats to help you meet many of the women in our church and invigorate your personal walk with Christ. If you have a desire to walk closer with Christ and be encouraged and challenged by women just like you, please consider being apart of the Women's Ministry at Crossroads.

    When does Women's ministry happen?

    Our Women's ministry groups happen at a variety of times and locations throughout the week. We also have special women's events that take place periodically throughout the year. To find out what groups or events are available right now, visit our Event Signups listing by clicking here.

  • What is Crossroads approach to Summit College Ministry?

    Our goal for you through your time with us is to cultivate a love for Jesus Christ amongst other college students through purposeful friendships, discipleship, prayer, and the study of scripture.

    When does Summit meet?

    Summit Ministry meets every Sunday 6:30 - 8:30pm in the TMPR.

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  • What is Crossroads approach to students?

    Elevate exists to help students in the SCV know Jesus and make Him known. We believe God has created us to glorify him by enjoying all that He is and all that He is for us. For this reason we pursue the Lord in order to know Him, love Him, and become like Him. We also believe that God has uniquely designed our students to display His glory to the world. It’s our desire to help equip students to understand and lean into their giftings that Jesus would be made much of in their lives. 

    Knowing Jesus and making Him known. This is the path to true joy in God!

    When does Elevate Student Ministry happen?

    Both the Junior High group and High School group will meet every Wednesday from 7-9 pm. Jr. High will meet in the WMPR in the Worship Center while High School will meet in the TMPR in the Training Center.

    Have you filled out our Student Medical Form for this year?

    All our students are required to provide our Student Medical & Liability Consent Form in order to participate in Crossroads on-site and off-site events. You must fill this form out for your student each ministry year. You can fill out the form by clicking here.

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  • What is Crossroads approach to kids?

    NexGen is the Kids Ministry of Crossroads, encompassing children from birth-6th grade. At NexGen, we take seriously the opportunity to train our children in the truths of God's Word.  We want the children of NexGen to grow in the knowledge and love of their Lord and Savior. We want them to see the church as a gift from God and lifelong home; and we want to point children back to their parents and families as their Biblical source of love, affirmation, and leadership.

    Our Ministry Goals include: 

    • Creating committed Christians who love God and live in a way that honors him.

    • Building strong family connections founded on the Biblical roles explained in God’s Word.

    • Encouraging a love for God’s church and a desire to actively participate in worship, fellowship, and service with God’s people.

    • Building a deep base of Bible knowledge and Scripture memory.

    When does NexGen ministry happen?

    During our 9:00 and 10:45am services, our full Kids ministry is available for children birth through sixth grade. During our 6:30pm Thursday service we offer childcare for ages birth through four years old. For kids age five through 6th grade we offer a fun program called UP. We also have additional kids and family events that take place periodically throughout the year. To find out if any special events are happening right now, visit our Event Signups listing by clicking here.

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  • What is Crossroads' approach to individuals with different needs?

    Plus ministry is a buddy-style ministry provided for people with special needs to support their participation in church activities. Crossroads believes that all individuals are welcome at church and should be provided the opportunity to worship and learn about Christ. We strive to meet the individual's needs to allow them and their families to attend church activities.

    Our ministry goal is to allow everyone with all needs, no matter what their need, to learn about Jesus Christ through the programs available at Crossroads.

    When does Plus ministry happen?

    Plus ministry happens when any other church function is happening. We provide one-to-one support to individuals with differing needs to allow them to participate in the Know, Grow, or Go ministry of their choice. We currently serve children in NexGen, which we call NexGen+. As we continue to grow, we hope that individuals of all ages are encouraged and welcomed into all areas of the church body.


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  • Current Offerings:

    Ambassadors: Singles in Their 20s and 30s

    Ambassadors is a ministry for singles in their 20s-30s. With the unique challenge and needs, we now provide a place that you can grow towards Christ and build true fellowship.

    Join us on Sundays at 9:00 AM in Classroom T203 in the Training Center.

    Ministerio Hispano/Spanish Ministry

    ¡Le invitamos a unirse a nuestro ministerio hispano en Crossroads Community Church! Es un gran oportunidad para conectarse con otros cristianos, crecer su fe y aprender más sobre la Palabra de Dios.

    Este ministerio ocurre todos los domingos a las 10:45 am en el salon del Centro de Capacitacion T202.

    We invite you to join our Spanish Ministry at Crossroads Community Church! It’s a great opportunity to connect with other Christians, grow in your faith, and learn more about God’s Word.

    This ministry happens every Sunday at 10:45 AM in the Training Center classroom T202.

    Legacy Ministry

    Legacy ministry is committed to affirming and maximizing the amazing resources we have at Crossroads in our experienced, older men and women and to create a pace for them to practice the one-anothers together in their unique season of life.

    Join us on Sundays at 10:45 AM in Adult Classroom A in the Worship Center.

  • What is the purpose behind Small Groups?

    Small groups are at the core of our heart for spiritual growth. Our groups gather in people’s homes for Biblical discussion, prayer, and intentional relationship where God’s people walk together in fellowship and fun. We have groups of various ages and stages of life, and our groups are located throughout our community. We are sure you’ll find just the right fit, and we’ll help you do that. 

    When do Small Groups happen?

    Small Groups take place in homes throughout the Santa Clarita Valley for ten weeks in the Fall and ten weeks in the Spring. To find out what groups are available to join, click here.

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  • What is Crossroads approach to widows?

    Our heart is that widows in our community and the surrounding area would feel seen, encouraged, and loved. Jesus has commanded us to take care of these precious women, and it's our joy and privilege to provide connection.

    When does the Widows Group happen?

    Our "Never Alone" Widows Group meets monthly for an uplifting time of dinner, fellowship, connecting with other widows, and prayer. Register here.

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  • Ministerio Hispano

    ¡Le invitamos a unirse a nuestro ministerio hispano en Crossroads Community Church!

    Este ministerio ocurre todos los domingos a las 10:45 am en el salon del Centro de Capacitacion T202.

    Es un gran oportunidad para conectarse con otros cristianos, crecer su fe y aprender más sobre la Palabra de Dios.