Know Ministry

At Crossroads, we believe that God created life, he knows how it ought to be lived and Jesus is the key to living life to the fullest! It is our desire for you to know Jesus and live into God’s created design for your life (John 10:10).

Whether you are brand new to Crossroads or you have been here a while, we would love the opportunity to get to know you better and join us as we KNOW Jesus, GROW in Jesus, and GO represent Jesus together!

We invite you to take your next step with us by:

1. Attending Life at Crossroads

2. Serving on a Sunday Morning

Our KNOW Ministries Include:

  • Congratulations! We are so excited to celebrate your new life in Christ with you!

    2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

    We would like to help you with your next steps in following Jesus. We invite you to participate in our next Life at Crossroads class, Baptism class, or even a Grow group!

    If you are interested in registering for any classes or events, click here.

  • Life at Crossroads (LAC) is a 3-week sequence designed to introduce you to the Crossroads family, let you know what we’re about, and see if God is calling us to partner together in his design for his people.

    Crossroads exists to KNOW Jesus, GROW to be like Jesus, and GO to serve Jesus. Life at Crossroads covers the 3 aspects of our mission:

    • 101: KNOW Jesus—Gospel and the Crossroads family

    • 201: GROW to be like Jesus—Discipleship and GROW Groups

    • 301: GO to serve Jesus—Commission and Contribution

    At the end of the 3 weeks, we will discuss what it looks like to partner together in the gospel and give the opportunity to join the Crossroads family.

  • The Connections Team is a group of people committed to making people who come to Crossroads feel welcome and loved. God transforms lives and makes people new in Jesus Christ. Connections Team exists to provide a welcome environment for all people to experience transformation in Jesus Christ.

    Our Connections Teams include: Parking, Greeting, Refreshments, Ushers, Communion Set Up, Medical and Security.

    If you are interested in joining a Connection Ministry Team listed above, we would love to hear from you! We are looking for people who want to experience and share God’s transformational love through the way we serve and interact with one another during our services.

    Here are 2 ways to get connected and involved in this ministry:

    1. Click on the button below to find a place to serve and we will get in contact with you.

    2. Stop by Starting Point in the Lobby on a Sunday morning to introduce yourself and learn more.

  • Baptism is the public celebration of a life united and identified with Jesus Christ (Romans 6:4; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 2:12)—it is an external symbol of an internal reality. Though not a means of salvation, baptism is an act of obedience for a person who has been made a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). According to Jesus’ command, the Crossroads family is honored and privileged to baptize individuals in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).

    Preparing for Baptism

    Crossroads hosts baptism services twice a year during our weekend worship services. We encourage anyone wanting to be baptized to attend Baptism Class - offered the week prior to Baptism Service. Baptism Class is designed to answer any questions you might have, address and explain the significance of baptism, and provide you the opportunity to share your personal salvation testimony with others.

  • During Parent Dedication services, we celebrate your commitment as a parent to raise your child/children in a gospel-centered, God-honoring way. Participation in Parent Dedication provides you the opportunity to affirm your commitment to raising your child/children within the loving community of a church family who will help you and hold you accountable as you purpose to raise your child/children in the ways of Jesus. Parent Dedication services are held twice a year (Mother’s Day weekend & in the Fall). 

    *please note: all parents must attend the required Parent Dedication Class in order to participate in the Dedication Service.