When Tragedy Strikes

Unexpected tragedy will impact all of us at some time in life. Those challenges could be the health of loved ones, our own health, a loss of our job and the death of those we care about. Whatever it is, it is only a matter of time until we experience it.

As I was reading the book of Ruth, I was impressed with how she handled the loss of her husband. In that culture, she was very vulnerable as a widow. People could take advantage of her, and her future did not look promising after being married for around 10 years and now without a protector.

How would you respond in similar circumstances? How would I respond? Would we be incapacitated in grief and withdraw from others hoping God would somehow help us?

I think Ruth models a proper response to a tragedy. I am sure she had a season of intense grief at the loss of her husband, but then she got up and did something about her situation.

If you remember, she went and worked the fields of a distant relative. She worked hard, and all day to meet her needs and the needs of Naomi, her mother-in-law. Then, when the closest Redeemer did not come forward to provide for her and take her as his wife,, she did something about it. She engaged and took the initiative by going to Boaz, the owner of the field she was working because he was the next in line if the closest redeemer refused to do his duty before God and redeem Ruth.

Notice the results of her efforts,

β€œAnd now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you ask, for all my fellow townsmen know that you are ta worthy woman. And now it is true that I am a redeemer. Yet there is a redeemer nearer than I. Remain tonight, and in the morning, if he will redeem you, good; let him do it. But if he is not willing to redeem you, then, was the LORD lives, I will redeem you.” (Ru 3:11-13)

God worked through and honored her effort. She trusted in God, but then she took action. This is a great challenge to all of us. We need to be praying and believing in God, but we also need to be doing our part. The result is God will work to accomplish his will through our efforts.

Father, thank you again for this great reminder of the need for effort in our lives. I need to be completely dependent upon you, but I also have to step out in a direction so that you can lead me. May your will be done in me and through me as I seek to live for you.

Following Jesus with you,